about this video project
Marriage is hard. We've all heard it said by long-time married couples. But what does 'hard' really mean?
Both sets of my grandparents have been married for over 60 years. As for me: I eloped on the side of a mountain and divorced 2.5 years later. I realize now that I never new why a marriage was hard, and I'm wondering if anyone ever did. Maybe one day I will share my story with all of you. For now, I am using this video project as a healing resource, to uncover different perspectives on relationships, and share the real trials, successes, failures, mistakes, and disasters that come from being connected with each other. I hope these stories can be used by everyone who needs them, and help us all to become better, more thoughtful and understanding people and partners in the process.
Why fucking hard? 2 reasons: 1st because marriageishard.com was already taken by a domain eating behemoth, and 2nd because this is an adult site, filled with adult stories about adult things. So if 'fucking' offends you, maybe you should go somewhere else.
If you find this video project interesting, please write me a message, and share this website with others. Together, we can become a more compassionate, connected and caring community.
Peace and love,
The MiFH Team